Seminar: Firms, Workers, and Wages (22386)

  Prof. Dr. Steffen Müller
  Dr. Daniel Fackler

17 April, 2019, 1:15 pm - 2:00pm,  G22A-128

  22 (23) May, 2019

Seminar topics/ papers


  1. Abowd, J. A., and Lemieux, T. (1993): The effects of product market competition on collective bargaining agreements: The case of foreign competition in Canada, Quarterly Journal of Economics 108, 983–1014.

  2. Brown, C., and Medoff, J. (1989): The employer size-wage effect, Journal of Political Economy 97, 102-1059.

  3. Card, D., Cardoso, A. R., Heining, J., and Kline, P. (2018): Firms and labor market inequality: Evidence and some theory, Journal of Labor Economics 36, S13–S70.

  4. Card, D., Heining, J., and Kline, P. (2013): Workplace heterogeneity and the rise of West German wage inequality, Quarterly Journal of Economics 128, 967–1015.

  5. Green F., Machin, S., and Manning, A. (1996): The Employer Size-Wage Effect: Can Dynamic Monopsony Provide an Explanation? Oxford Economic Papers 48, 433-455.

  6. Gürtzgen, N. (2009): Rent‐sharing and collective bargaining coverage: Evidence from linked employer–employee data, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 111, 323–349.

  7. Hirsch, B., and Müller, S. (2018): Firm Wage Premia, Industrial Relations, and Rent Sharing in Germany, IZA Discussion Paper No. 11309, Bonn.

  8. Krueger, A. B., and Summers, L. H. 1988: Efficiency wages and the inter-industry wage structure, Econometrica 56, 259-293.

  9. Van Reenen, J. (1996): The creation and capture of rents: Wages and innovation in a panel of U.K. companies”, Quarterly Journal of Economics 111, 195–226.

  10. Song, J., Price, D. J., Guvenen, F., Bloom, N., and von Wachter, T. (2019): Firming up inequality, Quarterly Journal of Economics 134, 1-50.


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